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Chocolate salami: an easy dessert to make with children

One activity us mothers can do with our children, which is not only fun but useful, is cooking

A fun activity

Children love playing around with ingredients, as well as kneading, mixing, whisking and, of course, tasting. It’s also hugely satisfying for them to be able to taste something they’ve prepared with their own hands. This kind of activity therefore helps boost both their self-esteem and creativity. By involving children in making an easy dessert, you can also help stimulate their curiosity and creativity. 


Chocolate Salami Recipe

The recipe we’ve chosen is chocolate salami, made with high-quality dark chocolate that you can purchase in our own website. 

As well as chocolate, you’ll need a few other ingredients, including sugar, biscuits, eggs, butter and, if you like, icing sugar, orange juice and dried fruit of your choosing. You’ll also need some baking paper to shape the dessert. The chocolate salami doesn’t need to be cooked, but must be left to rest in the fridge for a couple of hours before you eat it. 


Ingredients for the chocolate salami 

  • 200 g dark chocolate 

  • 200 g dry biscuits 

  • 150 g sugar 

  • 150 g butter 

  • 2 eggs 

Optional ingredients 

  • 10 ml orange juice 

  • 100 g dried fruit in place of the same amount of biscuit 

  • icing sugar for decoration 


Preparing ingredients and equipment

To ensure our children are as independent as possible when preparing this dessert, we first need to equip the work surface with everything they need, including utensils and ingredients that need to be worked in a certain way. 

Depending on their age, you can give them a shatter-proof bowl to prevent them from hurting themselves, a regular kitchen knife, a hand whisk and a wooden spoon for mixing the ingredients. 


Process for a perfect chocolate salami 

Firstly, chop up the dark chocolate with a knife and melt it in a bain-marie. You or your children can do this, as long as you supervise them throughout this phase. 

While the chocolate cools, your children can break up the butter into chunks at room temperature then, using the whip, beat it together with the sugar in a bowl. 

When the mixture is creamy enough, you can get them to add some orange juice. After the juice, the chocolate can be added, stirring throughout. 

Now, your children can enjoy crumbling the dry biscuits with their hands and adding them to the mixture. If they want, you can have them replace some of the biscuits with dried fruit. 

After adding the biscuits and dried fruit and mixing everything together with a wooden spoon or spatula, have them lay a piece of baking paper on your work surface. 

Once the mixture has been poured onto the paper, they need to roll it and work it to give it its salami-like shape, with the open ends closed like a wrapped sweet. 

Now, the chocolate salami is ready to be left to rest in the fridge for a couple of hours before you eat it!